Former positions include
Under Secretary for Management (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Under Secretary for Policy Planning and Communication (Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
Assistant Director General for food, rural development, Africa natural resources; Commissioner for the special initiative “ONE WORLD – No Hunger”
Director Division Southeast- and East Europe, South-Caucasus
Assistant Director General, Human Resources (Ministry of Health)
Deputy Director of the permanent Representation of North-Rhine Westphalia (State Government) in Berlin
Chief of Staff to Guido Westerwelle, Chairman of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2009 – 2013
Parliamentary advisor on security and defence
Master of Arts in History and Languages, University of Cologne/ Bonn
Campaigns as candidate for the European Parliament (2004) and the German national Parliament (2005)
International affiliations:
Founding member of the capital chapter of “Europa Union”
1995 – 2003 member of the bureau, 2001 – 2003 President of the Atlantic Association of Young Political Leaders
Marshall Memorial Fellow 2003
OSCE/ ODIHR election observer, Ukraine 2019 (parliamentary election)
Four years of active service in the GE airborne
current rank: LTC (Res.), recent deployments in Ottawa/ Canada and Vilnius/ Lithuania
German, English, French
Running (MarineMarathon 2006: 3:51:48); Skiing